Calita Núñez

I'm an international event manager, protocol & etiquette consultant.

About me

Hi, I'm Calita, an Events,

Protocol & Etiquette consultant

with more than 15 years of experience managing events around the world, and helping individuals and organizations cultivate long and lasting relationships with clients and peers from other cultures.


Event Management

Let's talk about your vision and I will take care of the whole event management process.

Event Consulting

I can advise and train your team on the best event management practices.

Protocol & Etiquette

Not sure about the official protocol and the rules of etiquette for your event? Contact me and I will help you.

Cross-Cultural Communication

You want everyone to feel fully appreciated. I will train your team on what to do and not to do when working with other cultures.

My work

I have organized top-level events in Spain, Portugal, the UK, the US and Saudi Arabia. This experience has provided me with a good understanding of other cultures working in different contexts. These events have included conferences, exhibitions, summits, international celebrations and commencement ceremonies.

What my clients say

"Your flawless preparations helped ensured the entire community felt welcomed for another academic year!."

- Lucy

" Wonderful job last night. The fun theme for the reception was a great contrast to the elegance (and competence) demonstrated during the dinner. It was one of the best events, and the most relaxing."

- Carol

"Every Commencement is special, but tonight was wonderful. Everything, from the timing to the decorations to the lighting to the use of the screen as students marched to get their diplomas was perfect."

- Jim

Contact me if you need help in organizing a special event or if you need any advice.



+34 623 176 041

